Sunday, August 3, 2014

Mad Kudu Character Sketch

We've started a fun way to practice some creature design. Initially it was meant to just be animal studies. But the challenge came in when trying to give the study some kind of character design (an emotion/personality). This was a fun way to practice, and this is my first attempt at it. I'll definitely be doing some more in the near future! 

This is a study of a Kudu, an antelope indegenous in my home country, South Africa. They are pretty grand animals... So I turned mine into a mean looking alpha male :)

Skull Studies

Due to being rusty at a lot of illustration techniques and the intense need to learn how to draw monsters one day, I thought it a good idea to start with some skull studies. Building up a library of shapes for me to grab onto when I attempt a bigger project in the future. This is my first batch. At the moment they're only front and side views. In my next batch I'll attempt some 3quarter views :)